In the following article we give you an overview of the different ways to learn to skateboard. As with almost everything in skateboarding, the same applies here: There is no right or wrong, decide on the variant that seems right for you!

As someone who discovered the enthusiasm for skateboarding in the late 80s and has experienced the steady ups and down waves of popularity of this comparatively very young "sport" over the past 35 years, it is almost unbelievable for me every day how Skateboarding has become firmly established in society over the past few decades. It is now almost as normal for children and young people to come into contact with a skateboard as they are growing up with as with a ball. Accordingly, new opportunities have developed, there are skate parks and also courses.

That was not always so. Here is a photo from my first skateboarding experience in 1989. I found my uncle's skateboard in my grandparents' garage. I immediately took it out onto the road and spent the following days - without a clue - trying to steer the board properly and go faster and faster down the hill.

markus ostermann freedom skateshop founder first skateboard photo

Said uncle gave me my first skateboard that year and from then on there was no stopping me. I started driving to school every day and quickly made friends with a group of older skaters who I met with almost every day before and after class to skate in the adjacent park. I got valuable tips from them and they kept showing me new tricks, which I then practiced until I could master them too. This was the classic way to learn to skateboard.

For many skateboarders, this is still the preferred way to skate and learn.

Over the years, the growth of the sport and technological developments have opened up many new opportunities. On the one hand there are videos on channels like YouTube where both tricks and the basics are explained very well and clearly, on the other hand there are a large number of providers of skateboard courses.

The following photos were kindly made available to us by the Skateboard Club Vienna .

skateboard training course photo

As already mentioned: It is absolutely not a must to attend a skateboarding course. However, they definitely offer the opportunity to connect quickly, meet like-minded people and benefit from the coaching and expertise of the trainers, which can accelerate the learning curve. There are now also trainers trained and certified by sports associations who, in addition to skateboarding themselves, also offer fall training, material training, etc. In addition to the classic offer of skate courses and private lessons, there is also the possibility of holiday courses with supervision, children's birthday parties and much more.

Skateboard coaching

Skateboarding is a relatively inexpensive sporting activity that you can do yourself or with friends anywhere. All you need is a relatively smooth surface and a board. Skateboarders are a very open-hearted community and you make friends quickly. For many, skateboarding is becoming much more than just a sport, it is a lifestyle, a form of expression and an art. It is a constant learning and developing and there is no end. Even skaters like Tony Hawk can never claim to have done everything possible on a skateboard.

If you or your children want to find out whether skateboarding is right for you: Here you will find our range of complete beginner skateboards and protective gear .

Skateboard coaching action shot

January 23, 2023 — markus ostermann