Spitfire is breaking new ground with the new 93A Formula Four Wheels. Until now, F4 wheels were only available in 97A, 99A and 101A. With the new 93 Durometer Wheels, Spitfire has found a way to develop a relatively soft wheel that is also suitable for use in street, park and pool skating. The brand is responding to a request from many skateboarders for a wheel that is a little softer but still slides well.
Other manufacturers have also had softer wheels in their range for some time, OJ Wheels has the Nomads with 95A hardness and recently the Bones X-Formula Wheels and the Powell Peralta Dragons with 93A have been on the market.
But this doesn't mean that Spitfire missed this trend. The 93 F4's were in development for over 5 years. No less a person than Andrew Reynolds helped here, who tested countless sets over the last few years and made a significant contribution to perfecting the urethane formula for these wheels.

So what do these new, softer wheels bring:
They are softer, roll more quietly, absorb more vibration and have advantages over hard wheels, especially on uneven ground. Andrew Reynolds says your joints will thank you.
But 93A Wheels also have a few disadvantages:
Even though the 93A Formula Fours slide very well, the sliding behavior cannot be compared to hard wheels. You notice this both on the ground and when, for example, you don't jump perfectly into a nose slide but land slightly diagonally on the ledge.
As with all things in skateboarding, it is a matter of taste whether these wheels are right for you. The fact is that Spitfire has brought a top product to the market with a very wide range of possible uses.
It's best to try them out to see if these wheels are right for you!
You can find our entire selection of Spitfire Wheels here: