In this article you will find out everything you need to know about Popsicle Shape Skateboards. The transformation to today's preferred popsicle shape began in the early 1990's as street skating grew in popularity. Due to the ever more technical requirements of the flip tricks, the decks became narrower. With switch skating and noseslides, the nose became longer and longer and more closely matched the shape of the tail.

Popsicle shapes come in all sorts of widths, depending on the area of ​​use, height or shoe size of the rider and personal preference. The differences between full/standard/pointy shapes are rather small and therefore are not to be overestimated, but are explained here:

Standard Shape:

The standard shape is the primary shape currently used by about 90% of all manufacturers. It's the perfect middle ground.

Full Shape:

With full shapes, the decks' side edges run straight longer, which leads to a wider nose and tail. This gives you a little more control as you have a wider surface. Due to the wider shape, the nose and tail wear out a little more slowly than with more pointed shapes.

Pointy Shape:

This shape, which has gone somewhat out of fashion, is characterized by a more pointed nose and tail. This makes the deck very agile and helps you with tricks like 360 flips and pressure flips.

As mentioned before, all the differences described above are rather marginal in reality. It's best to try it out and find the perfect shape for you!

September 30, 2022 — markus ostermann