Alles was Du über Riser Pads und Shock Pads wissen musst - Freedom Skateshop

Everything you need to know about riser pads and shock pads

Here you will get all the answers to the question whether you should use risers or shock pads for your skateboard.
August 12, 2024 — markus ostermann
Skateboard Wheel Shapes im Vergleich - Freedom Skateshop

Skateboard wheel shapes in comparison

Wide or narrow wheels, classic round or conical?
March 24, 2024 — markus ostermann
Flacher oder steiler Nose & Tail Kick, Was ist besser? - Freedom Skateshop

Flat or steep nose & tail kick, which is better?

In this article you will learn how a flat nose or tail affects the handling of your deck
March 20, 2024 — markus ostermann
Aus welchem Holz werden Skateboards gemacht - Freedom Skateshop

What wood are skateboards made from?

Here you can find out everything about the wood that skateboards are made from
March 17, 2024 — markus ostermann
Skateboard Bushing Guide - Freedom Skateshop

Skateboard Bushing Guide

Here you can find out everything you need to know about skateboard bushings: Choosing the right bushings often means that not only one or two skateboard beginners are spoiled for...
October 28, 2023 — markus ostermann
Skateboard Truck Grind Clearance - Freedom Skateshop

Skateboard Truck Grind Clearance

Skateboard Truck Grind Clearance In skateboard trucks, grind, or kingpin clearance, refers to the clearance between the hanger of the truck and the kingpin. The resulting angle determines how your...
October 24, 2023 — markus ostermann
Alles was du über Wheelbite wissen musst - Freedom Skateshop

Everything you need to know about Wheelbite

Everything you need to know about Wheelbite
July 21, 2023 — markus ostermann
Skateboard Bearings - Freedom Skateshop

Skateboard Bearings

Everything you need to know about skateboard bearings
February 22, 2023 — markus ostermann
Was beeinflusst deinen Pop - Freedom Skateshop

What influences your pop

Everything you need to know about popping your skateboard
February 01, 2023 — markus ostermann
Skateboard Concave - Freedom Skateshop

Skateboard concave

Everything you need to know about skateboard concave
January 30, 2023 — markus ostermann
Alles was Du über Wheelbase wissen musst - Freedom Skateshop

Everything you need to know about Wheelbase

Skateboard Wheelbase and their impact explained
January 27, 2023 — markus ostermann
Tags: Wheelbase
Skateboarden lernen - Freedom Skateshop

learn to skateboard

What's the best way to learn to skateboard? You can find all information about this here.
January 23, 2023 — markus ostermann